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May 12, 2016 9:51 am
h14 Offline
Registered since: Nov 30, 2008
Location: Chalandray, France

Subject: Meadows LG6 vibration damper
As part of resuscitating my LG6 after some 15 years off the road, and largely stored outside, I thought I had better check the vibration damper whilst I had the radiator off.
Just as well, as rust had stuck the friction linings. All cleaning up OK, but I need to know, should the 4 short steel dowel pegs that prevent the annuli rotating independently be fixed in one of the annuli, or loose?
One was loose, but I can't free any of the others. One annula? is driiled right through (as it is for the spring drillings), the other is blind. Presumably the blind one faces the radiator, so is less likely to allow road dirt inside.
If the dowel pegs are intended to be loose, there is nothing to stop them running against the friction lining. I don't suppose that would be too much of a problem, but then any lubricant on the peg could transfer to the friction lining.

So, to summarise; should the dowel pegs be fixed, should the blind annula be the one nearest the radiator, and what lubricant is recommended for the dowel pegs (I'm thinking molybdenum disulphide grease)?

May 12, 2016 9:59 am
Julian Offline
Registered since: Dec 04, 2007
Location: Belgium

Subject: Re: Meadows LG6 vibration damper
Generally these pegs are light press fit,

Although I never use the standard damper in any rebuild as they are absolutely rubbish at damping harmonics, (although better than nothing)
I would recommend a modern rubber bonded steel unit or better still, a 'Fluidampr'
Julian Messent

May 16, 2016 11:29 am
h14 Offline
Registered since: Nov 30, 2008
Location: Chalandray, France

Subject: Re: Meadows LG6 vibration damper
Many thanks for reply. I guess you concur re lubricant and positioning of the damper.
I prefer to keep the engine appearance as original, but might well consider your recommendation for an alternative damper when I have the engine re-rebuilt.


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