Show whole topic Jul 07, 2010 7:22 pm
h14 Offline
Registered since: Nov 30, 2008
Location: Chalandray, France

Subject: Re: Needs for Lagonda parts to be remanufactured ?
Hi Peter & Colin,

V12/LG6 petrol filler caps! These were talked about some time ago, but seem to have gone on the back burner. I did buy some machined bronze castings many years ago, but they are for the LG45, so are fairly flat, whereas the V12/LG6 ones are more heavily curved to match the wing profile.
The originals are mazak, always bad news. Mine are actually still surprisingly good, even as far as the plating, but there is a crack in one hinge pivot which I suspect wouldn't withstand rechroming, & is probably also a common problem.
Strangely the radiator cap, a very similar casting, is brass!
Also the aluminium radiator trunnion mountings...specifically the front half...both have crumbled on my LG6, so again I suspect others may have experienced trouble with these.
Also brushes for the V12 axial starter. These surely can't last forever, & Bosch advised me that they threw all spares for these in the 1970's. Incidentally they did email me a very helpful exploded diagram of the starter, which I'd be happy to email on if anyone would like a copy.